Here's why:
Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you have to be a smart ass punk.
So on the one hand, you've got two parents who clearly love each other and enjoy each other's company, who are at least open to the option of interacting with their child, and who appear to be conscious of their carbon footprint.
And then we have the smart ass punk. His parents may as well not even exist. Oh, he needs them to buy big expensive unnecessary THINGS, of course, but otherwise they're completely superfluous. I can only assume that they'd rather not talk to him. I guess they're hoping that he'll learn about manners and respect while watching television.
Who is Toyota trying to appeal to? Tweeners who make car buying decisions? The McParents who let them? You?
Just call me angel of the morning.
Ha! That's exactly what I thought when I saw this ad.